By bexes - 27/08/2013 10:29 - United States - Katy

Today, I was told that the $500 I'm owed for babysitting isn't going to happen. Why? Because after six months of watching a friend's six children, she's moved 120 miles away and no longer needs me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 783
You deserved it 4 425

bexes tells us more.

bexes 7

Hey guys, OP here. After reading some of the comments I can see there is a bit of confusion. The babysitting thing was a great gig at the start. She was paying me $200/week. What had happened was she hurt her back and couldn't work but had to go to multiple dr appointments there after. I was wanting to take a CNA course that cost $500. So we agreed she would pay for the class if I continued to watch the kids during her appointments. I held up my end she didn't.

Top comments

No excuses, go "no country for old men" on their asses and hunt 'em down.


Dodge4x4Ram 46

anybody else thought of the Joker when she said 6

Yes because whenever i hear the number 6 i think of the joker -___-

I understood the reference ;) , these guys just aren't dark knight fans.

That's why I always try to stay away from having any $ transactions between friends. Helping them out is one thing but disputing over $ is not worth losing friendship over.

Never work for more than like 2 weeks or even one month if soneone who is supposed to pay you isn't. six months with six kids is ridiculous, even if it was just weekends or something. GET YO MONEY!

pinchepriscyla 9
cinthiamcenteno 10

why would u allow n e one to not pay right then n there... udi

Ydi for letting the debt get that high. That's a lot of babysitting.

I assume you didn't get $500 for one time babysitting. If they can go out, they have money to pay you. You shouldn't have left their house without your money.

OP probably trusted the "friend" that's why he believed she would have paid op. Not like OP knew they were going to move and not pay him/her at all.

Sure but after a couple of months leaving without any money, you should know better..

ViviMage 38
stormstarcj 12

Your an idiot! Who waits 6 mo to get paid from babysitting?