By sweet - 26/03/2009 18:08 - United States

Today, I was taking the metro into DC for my internship. Two guys came in and started talking to each other in Arabic. One boy turned to the other said "Do you think shes cute?" The other responded "Her face is hideous but she has nice tits." I am fluent in Arabic. They were looking at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 91 345
You deserved it 5 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate people who tell secrets in public and insult people with a different language. You should have freaked out on those assholes.

effmailyfe 0

You should have made some comment about small penises. Or something...


should have said "thank you very much" in arabic to them

xx_hayleyy 0

thats why i really want to learn how to speak chinese so i can find out what those bitches in the nail salon say about me, because i know they do.. &HA! # 42:))

xx_hayleyy 0

really, why didnt you say anything back?!

As a student at a university in DC, I can vouch that pretty much everyone learns how to speak Arabic, Japanese, Mandarin, or Farsi I'm sorry to hear that though :

dantheman_fml 0

idk why this is a FML? for once you know what guys think of you objectively.... now that you have this knowledge you can better yourself by using more makeup or a lower cut shirt (preferably both).

in perfect should have said "thank god, i was worried people wouldnt notice"...things like that kill people when you say it to them

ahhh! you definitely should have responded to them in Arabic..."thanks asshole, you're the ugly one"

LOL at 47... Just wanting an eyeful of the ****, huh?