By becstar90 - 05/06/2009 04:21 - United States

Today, I was taking a picture with my friend. Her camera can pick out a certain color and only have that color show up in the picture. She chose yellow because of the yellow on my dress. When she showed me the picture, the sash wasn't the only yellow thing; my teeth showed up, too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 576
You deserved it 18 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh, first off, gross. Yellow teeth happen, but (hopefully) it's not that bad. Second, you can edit that out on those kinds of cameras.

teeth aren't naturally white so shush. That's not gross


sportsRlife 0
4leafedchlover 0

Ur fault! Should brush a lil more often!

#80, sorry that I think people should have nice teeth. I don't see the problem with liking hygiene and cleanliness. My teeth are nice and white, and no, they haven't been whitened with strips or anything, so how can a teenager like the OP have yellow teeth "naturally" if she brushes her teeth twice a day or after every meal like she's supposed to? Unless she's drinking 4 cups of coffee a day or smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day, her teeth should be just as white as mine are.

Shoulda seen that comin. I bet your breath stinks.

love101 0
Cittenscollar 0

98 - You're an idiot, read the dozens of comments throughout here explaining that teeth are NOT necessarily naturally white. Just because you're lucky enough to have naturally white teeth doesn't mean that's the norm. YOU are not the deciding factor on what's normal for a human body. Brushing has nothing to do with the color of your teeth, as has been explained MULTIPLE times throughout the comments here.

Teeth are white which contains all colours, including yellow so normally teeth would appear. but since you admitted I'd say that you must have yellow teeth..

just because her teeth are yellow doesn't mean she doesn't brush her teeth. when my dad was a kid he took a pill for acne and it turned his teeth grey...maybe she drinks coffee, or she just needs to get them whitened. it might not be her fault.