By Should I stay or go? - 17/02/2017 17:00 - United States - Seattle

Today, I was supposed to hear from my supervisor about whether or not my company was going to be letting me go. I've been on continual probation for the last 6 months, waiting to hear when they'll decide. She'd said last Friday that I'd definitely hear from her today. It's now 5:30 p.m. She's gone home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 485
You deserved it 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It might be wise to search for another job and get prepared to leave. Worst case scenario, you're ready to go if they ask you to. Best case scenario, you have two jobs to choose from.

If they're being shitty and keeping you up in the air like that it's unfair. Quietly search for a new job and if you find a better one that wants you, give your two weeks notice and get the hell out of dodge. Don't wait on them.


It might be wise to search for another job and get prepared to leave. Worst case scenario, you're ready to go if they ask you to. Best case scenario, you have two jobs to choose from.

If they're being shitty and keeping you up in the air like that it's unfair. Quietly search for a new job and if you find a better one that wants you, give your two weeks notice and get the hell out of dodge. Don't wait on them.

awildwhisper 30

Hahaha maybe you've been terminated and are working for free. They're hoping you don't notice.

Just keep showing up until they explicitly tell you to go. Who knows? Maybe your supervisor might have an "accident" this weekend and not be able to terminate you. I'm not SAYING you should have anything to do with causing said accident...

alternative-facts 6

If you've been on probation for 6 months, it's not a good fit for you. They will probably let you go, and your supervisor may be delaying telling you because she feels bad, or she's scared. Regardless of whether they're going to fire you or not, why do you want to stay somewhere where you're miserable? You should have started looking for a new job when they first put you on probation, because it's easier to find a job when you already have a job, and you're not as desperate. But it's not too late. Start looking right away, and maybe, if you're lucky, you can quit before they get around to firing you.

I agree. Putting you on probation is a polite way to tell you to get a job elsewhere. This way they can get rid of you without the risk of a wrongful termination lawsuit. Take the hint and GTFO.

Sometimes, no news is good news. I am assuming you are getting paid in the probation period. If I were in your shoes, I would be looking for better opportunities already though.

Viewerv 2

If you are getting paid less because you are on probation or are excluded from certain benefits because of probation, you have to consider the possibility they are trying to keep you indefinitely in probation. Whichever way, I think you should find another job or look into the gig economy by peddling your skills on freelancing sites. Look after #1 because your boss won't!

I'd start searing for a new job and hand in your resignation when the time is right. Sorry you have to go through this OP

escobro 0

It's just a sign of affection that shes avoiding you. Usually when girls avoid you, they're actually secretly liking you!

alternative-facts 6

To what FML are you replying? OP is not trying to get together with his supervisor. S/he is worried about getting fired.

I'd show up at her house, 6 months of waiting is far long enough