By Emmereen - 23/03/2017 15:20

Today, I was studying when a tremendous crash of glass sounded from the other room. Was it a burglar? Nope. The cat had tried to jump from the kitchen table to the top of the cabinet, missed, and slammed into the cabinet's glass door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 354
You deserved it 529

Emmereen tells us more.

OP here. My cat was not hurt, thankfully. He briefly looked a bit shaken, and then felt the need to be underfoot while I cleaned up the glass. He's made that jump before and since, though nowadays a tall cat tree seems to satisfy his desire to launch himself to great heights.

Top comments

I'm sorry to read that, OP. Maybe next time, it WILL be a burglar! *fingers crossed*


I'm sorry to read that, OP. Maybe next time, it WILL be a burglar! *fingers crossed*

lil_miss_aries 4

I'm pretty sure your cat is saying "FML" right now too

OP here. My cat was not hurt, thankfully. He briefly looked a bit shaken, and then felt the need to be underfoot while I cleaned up the glass. He's made that jump before and since, though nowadays a tall cat tree seems to satisfy his desire to launch himself to great heights.

Glad your cat is okay or it would have been f-your cat's life.