By AgentRarity - 18/06/2014 16:48

Today, I was reading butthurt comments about how girl gamers can easily get dates and find love by simply existing. I'm a "girl gamer" who hasn't even found a date, let alone love. I've been looking since I was sixteen. I'm now 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 712
You deserved it 7 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can do it!! Don't give up! You are the bomb!!!

at least you know getting married on skyrim doesn't count


Fellow girl gamer here. You are awesome, and you will find someone. I did :)

Maybe take a shower sometime, I doubt being a gamer is your problem. You are obviously doing something wrong.

GoArmy6624 7
icepick23 12

I'm 28 feel free to shoot me a message ;)

Axel5238 29

Really hard to tell what the issue might be. Though using butthurt to describe them at 27 is not good. We all have slang, but generally there is stuff you stop saying when you get older. Don't use internet slang in actual conversation. Lot's of guys that are gamers fall into stereotypes smoking pot, anime and what not. Videogames should be a hobby, not the main thing you do.

Don't worry. Gamer girls are amazing. I'm not talking about girls who take pictures with a controller and vintage glasses, who can't actually play. Real gamer girls are always on the top of most guys list, including my own.