By jkass - 07/10/2011 15:07 - Australia

Today, I was pulled over by the police. The cop was my ex-boyfriend. He had no legitimate reason to pull me over, so he thoroughly checked my car. He gave me a defect notice and a fine. What for? A broken door lock, on my rear passenger door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 380
You deserved it 4 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report his bacon ass! He shouldn't abuse his power

Jujubilee 1

Isn't that unlawful harassment? If you can prove you had a relationship and he's bitter, you should sue him and the city! Cha-ching!!! $$$


Please don't insult the fine, sausage-and-bacon-producing animal that is the pig by comparing them to dirty, corrupt police officers. Call the dirty corrupt police officers arseholes or something. And now I want pigs-in-blankets.

itschan 0
dwatsup 0

that's illegal an officer cnt search a car without good reason or consent of the person so u can get the fines removed by telling the court that he did not have reason or ur consent

Ydi for letting him search your car. Know your rights.

You shouldn't let an ex do anything to you as an officer, he has emotional ties to you therefore it biases his decisions, you should report it as he was against the law for doing this

as B303123 said, argue it in traffic court, get it dismissed, etc, then go talk to a lawyer. In most states a lawyer must provide a free consultation and he will tell you what your options are. In many cases, lawyers will take civil cases with a sure fire win on consignment but first and foremost talk to him and let him explain your options.

ok so here's the ******* truth for you dumbasses in America who don't know our ******* bill of rights. no one can search you or your car or any private property without a search warrant. seriously? its in the ******* bill of rights. and if they weren't not to get a search warrant they have to have a legitimate reason to search like you are driving all over the road or got in an accident because of reckless driving.

MsMeiriona 2

Now if only the OP lived in America, so this could be relevant.

My dad's passenger lock has been broken for 5 years. :3

fight it cuz thats definitly illegal. he has to have reason to pull u over

SlaveToRetail 10

America =/= Australia. Dear god, people.