By owmyballs - 17/12/2009 16:34 - Thailand

Today, I was playing with my yo-yo. I began showing off to my friends. When the girl I liked walked by, I thought it'd be really cool to do the move "dog bite". I ended hitting myself in the balls. Hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 081
You deserved it 37 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for trying to impress a girl with a yo-yo trick

"::sigghh::*batts eyelashes* Timmy sure can work that yo-yo.I have GOT to have him."


thats what you get for pkaying with a yo-yo

yo-yos don't get girls. pogo sticks do

YDI for trying to impress a girl with a freaking yo yo trick -__-

marryjaneex0 7

yoyo's are lame in general.

MiaLoves 8
SengBoi 0

YDI for impressing a girl with a yo-yo. What are you, 6?

PhishloverA 14

YDI. This ended like another FML, where a guy missed this girl's ass while having sex with her and hit his nuts instead

Chicks totally dig yoyos, bro. Keep that shit up.

If you are doing yoyo tricks to impress a girl you really did deserve a hit to the balls

As soon as I read yoyo and tried to impress I automatically hit YDI before continuing to read.