By jalapenos99 - 02/04/2009 00:36 - United States

Today, I was playing in a basketball game and blocked this kid's shot. I was really pumped up about it until I realized the kid had cerebral palsy and the coach put him on the team because he really wanted to be on at least one team in his life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 614
You deserved it 54 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Inspired22 11

I don't think you should feel bad. I'd be pretty upset if I had a disability and everyone played easy on me. That would just be humiliating!

You shouldn't feel bad, you didn't know and I don't see how YDI at all. Plus, the kid was probably happy everyone wasn't just going to let him do whatever.


its not your fault.. you didn't know and anyone would ahve done the same thing. they should ahve told you thats such a dick move on their part

not your fault. Its not your job to go asking the other team if they have an retards. besides they have teams for tards, put him on one of those teams. He doesn't belong with the normal people

you cant go around calling the mentally handicap retards or tards. it's not cool and disrespectful. for all you know he could have been better then the other kids with disabilities so they sent him up to play with people with more skill. the mentally handicap are normal people, a person that isn't normal would be like half fish

Please don't breed. We don't want your stupid to be passed on to others. It seems to me like you are the one that doesn't belong with "normal" people.

MKflyy 0

Cerebral Palsy is a disease where you are a normal person but you can't control any part of your body. This being said there is no way for a kid with CP to play on a basketball team. Maybe you meant Down's Syndrome?

That's what I was thinking. I know kids with CP can be on Special Olympic teams but they have a special net and everything that they roll the ball into... there's no way someone with that disability could make a regular shot on a regular basket... not that getting the terminology right all the time on FML a big issue but... eh... still nice to keep an eye on...

GlambertGirl93 0

Excuse me. I myself have CP and I could go play basketball right now if I wantec to. I have complete and utter control over my body, aside from occasional spasms in my right leg. What you descirbed is the most severe cases of CP. Please do research before you say things like that

Ok I'm not trying to be rude but my twin brother has CP and he plays basketball and yea it is special Olympics but that's their game and just because they can't play it at "normal" speed doesn't mean they can't play. It's just a game they play for the thrill and the fun just like the other "normal" people play it for. I have to say this guy did the right thing I know from first hand special needs kids don't want people to treat them any different and I'm sure it meant a lot to that boy. I joke it would to my brother Henie always telling me how he wishes people would treat Jim like they treat everybody else.

that_guy321 2

hey, you didn't know i'm thinking maybe 12 is right though, it was an FML cause he could only block a shot from someone with a disability and f u 23

Hell, you should've blocked a few of his shots.. pad them stats!

kellster 2
Kira_fml 0

The way to show the most respect for people like that is to treat them as any other person.

cerebral palsy is a shitty disease but i bet the kid was just happy to get to play while he still could. i think with cp as long as the kid is in the early stages they should be treated like everyone else. a boy flicks off my eleven year old brother and calls him a **** because he's a dancer, turns out the kid has cp and suddenly everything's fine.

GlambertGirl93 0

There are no early and late stages of Cp... i isn't cancer. The severity you are born with is the same severity you'll have the day you die. I have CP, I should know. And it's not that shitty

You are a disgrace to the human race...

samhat 0

CP varies in degrees. People withany form of CP are normal, essecntially in the mind. sometimes they cant control their movement, just depends on what type they have. Most people with CP can control their muscles #24I have a friend who just has muscle weakness on his left side, and he has CP. Many people with CP take part in normal everyday activities and sports, so of course they can play basketball. and #30, CP doesnt get worse over time, you are misinformed. And #23. You're and ass.