By Quackadoodledoo - 24/04/2014 02:21 - United Kingdom - Edgware

Today, I was on the London underground reading a newspaper. A huge guy was sitting next to me and there weren't many other people around. As I turned a page, he leaned into me, glaring, and said, "I'm not finished yet". At the next stop I put down the paper and jumped off. It wasn't even my stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 181
You deserved it 5 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor guy didn't even get to finish reading.

Leaving before your stop is kind of overdramatic. Couldn't you just have given him the newspaper or something?


Vou need to learn to stand your ground OP.

is London underground like a train or something,?

Did you at least remember to take your purse and tampons with you or left them there as well?

"With what, *my* paper? Sorry, sir, you may have it when I'm done if you're interested, but I'm not sharing."