By Anonymous - 04/12/2009 06:12 - United States

Today, I was informed after submitting my request to have Christmas off about 2 weeks prior to Thanksgiving that I was denied. About 15 minutes later, I overheard the person that denied my request talking with another agent, who put their request in today, that they were granted the holiday off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 900
You deserved it 2 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

somepartsareme 0

He didn't ask too early at all. A lot of businesses have a policy that you must put in your holidays a certain length of time before you want them, especially if they are over holiday periods. The place I work has this policy (in fact, we aren't even allowed to book time off at Xmas at all). Having said that, if this business does have that policy, then they're giving the other guy some extreme special treatment. I'm sure you can complain about this, especially if he didn't give you a decent reason fro rejecting your holiday request.


somepartsareme 0

or this guy is low man on the totem pole. I worked Good Friday and the entire Easter Weekend. Because I'm the newest one on my shift. The other two wanted off, so... I worked. Now. if he's not low man on the pole... then totally a conspiracy :)

YDI for working for that kind of people.

Cuz you can always choose who you work for/with -_-

perdix 29

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He didn't ask too early at all. A lot of businesses have a policy that you must put in your holidays a certain length of time before you want them, especially if they are over holiday periods. The place I work has this policy (in fact, we aren't even allowed to book time off at Xmas at all). Having said that, if this business does have that policy, then they're giving the other guy some extreme special treatment. I'm sure you can complain about this, especially if he didn't give you a decent reason fro rejecting your holiday request.

RC4524 0

Most places requests' are based on seniority. if the person who got the holiday off was able to deny your request, they are obviously above you in the pecking order. And as far as it being too early, I already know that I will not get Christmas NEXT year off. In my job, requests must be made October of the preceding year. If it is a full time legitimate job, then suck it up like the rest of the world and just be thankful you have a job. It sucks to have to work a holiday, but unless you are a secretary, a mailman, or a bank teller, you should have known when you accepted the job that it was a possibility. I can't remember the last major holiday I didn't work. And my family is 1700 miles away, so that also means I never get to see them on the holidays.

all of This is ****** up. first in first serve for days off here in NZ and Aus.

45thTBirds 7

Or the other guy asked earlier.

Actually, most workplaces want a good amount of notice, especially holidays. Unless, ya know, the people you work with suck and just don't like you.

sdcrazy1018 0

Sounds like someone doesn't like you, awww....

It shows that you are a reliable employee and that they need you for that period of time. Be grateful you still have a job. On the bright side, if you do decide to work during the holiday (assuming you decide not to call in sick, dead, POW, etc.), you should be getting paid more per hour, right? Extra money in your pocket is always a good thing. All I'm saying is that since you're from Ohio, spend the extra $$$ at Cedar Point. Sure, the park will be closed due to being out of season for a bit, but hey - good things come to those who wait (and who don't slap public officials with chickens to prove a point).

Reyo 2

Well that just sounds like a glorified version of "He hates you". What you said sounds just like what any Manager would say to the question "Why if HE getting time off and I'm not?"

I asked off for Christmas on MAY!!!!! I found our a dew days ago that I didn't get it off because we are short staffed and my boss wanted to take off! only 2 people can be off a day, my boss and his best friend! my boss wasn'ty boss when I asked off and I saw him ask off 2 months after me! sorry I have no pity for you

Seniority and status win out when it comes to perks like days off during the holiday season. Get used to it.

youthink_fml 0

It's probably either senority, or the other person asked first but wasn't sure if they needed it. Be happy you have a job.

So quit if you want off so desperately, if you're not willing to quit for the holidays then it's not that important.

Apparently you don't know the difference between having a vacation and being unemployed in a shitty economy.