
By UghIgiveup - 18/08/2023 04:00

Today, the new person that I was supposed to train didn't show up for the second time in a row. They only had one session with me, and nobody is able to tell me what I'm doing wrong. This is the third time in two years. I give up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 510
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

don't be so hard on yourself. maybe they were just lazy and didn't realize that they had to do actual work so they bugged out

1. do you have a kinda shitty job? 2. are you honest about it? you may just be helping these people more than you realize


don't be so hard on yourself. maybe they were just lazy and didn't realize that they had to do actual work so they bugged out

1. do you have a kinda shitty job? 2. are you honest about it? you may just be helping these people more than you realize

Maybe the person quit. Happens a lot at my job.

Kota 2

Had this happen to me a couple times, people just don’t like to put in actually “work”