By HeyArnold91 - 14/09/2012 05:57 - United States - Apo

Today, I was happy to finally receive an email from my younger sister, whom I have not been able to talk to for months due to being in the military stationed overseas. The email was to tell me my mom is in jail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 625
You deserved it 1 757

HeyArnold91 tells us more.

HeyArnold91 8

Top comments

perdix 29

Your sister should have been writing you regularly! Nothing cheers up a hero serving his or her country overseas than regular reports of your mom's criminal activities before the inevitable arrest. Thanks for your service :)

Your correct usage of "whom" brought a tear to my eye. Well done indeed! My faith in humanity is not even remotely restored, but at least I have some hope.


well atleast shes not in the grave like the mothers of many innocent killed in the stupid war. U deserve it for being a soldier and a puppet of the political leaders.

PInK_ExCiTeD 7

First off Thanks For your service! :D Since I know is really hard to be away from your family. However, your sister should have kept being in contact with you and sorry to hear about your mother. Hope she gets put soon. :)

escobar07 10

Ouch that really hurts man. She should have been writing to you more often than just now and hit you with that.

This is fake. There's no service that keeps you away from a phone or a computer for months at a time. The only possible reason OP didn't hear from their family for months is that OP chose not to.

crazy4uboi 6

You could do what my father (who's was gone for 7 months then home for seven months) who used to serve did He bugged my mom to send more pictures and contact him more often the whole time he was home.

I always feel bad for soldiers who don't get letters. I wrote one for my s/o and my best friend (female) every single day when they were deployed, even if it was little stuff and i never missed a monthly care package. Mostly love makes me do it but also guilt that I get to stay home in my air conditioned house and make my own schedule and live in safety. Maybe you could sign up for one of the online programs where they assign families or individuals one soldier and they write to you and keep in contact? I did it once and feel like he's a part of our family! I hope your mother isn't in too much trouble and your sister is a little bit more appreciative of your service to the country in the future.

I'm sorry about your mom, but thank you for protecting our country.