By Anonymous - 24/01/2011 07:29 - United States

Today, I was grounded for not agreeing with an article on dating my mom found in a very strict magazine. The article told parents to monitor phone calls, make rumors about their children cheating on people and not allow their children anywhere but home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 498
You deserved it 3 141

Same thing different taste


Guess who's moving out on their 18th birthday :P

LouderThanEver 0

"Make rumors about their child cheating on people" 0hkay, that pissed me off right their. Parents if you do this, you're making your daughter sound like a "*****". Or your son like a "player".

Daelda 6

Which sets the child up to either look like an "easy lay" - which can get them greater opportunities to have sex, or can set them up to be raped, "because the cheating ***** deserves it". Also, think of the child's future! After they get out of school and apply for that GREAT job - they go to the interview, only to be interviewed by a former classmate who heard all of those rumors. Now either they are turned away because the interviewer doesn't want someone of questionable ethics working for the company. Or they are hired because, hey, an easy lay in the office....

That was a poor reaction on the mom's part, I agree. I can understand parents' apprehensions about their kids dating, though. I think teen dating is a load of shit and almost never works anyway: Too many limitations, irrational hormonal drama, and the likelihood of going separate ways after graduation anyway. I'm 18 and never dated as a kid for a number of reasons, even though my dad was disappointed in me because of it. I'm definitely on the look out now, though. The way I see it is that it's best to lay low and do as your parents tell you for now, giving them the false impression of obedience, and then make a 180 and do **** all once you get out to show them who you really are and what you really want to do. But that's just me. As that Cheap Trick song once said, "Surrender, but don't give yourself away." As soon as you get out, you can give them the finger if you want (though I'm not necessarily saying to do that). I operated under that impression and it's worked for me (albeit with some trials).

That doesn't really seem like a good approach at all. You give your parents a false idea of who you are, which will probably end up in them being disappointed in you, and you are keeping yourself from doing things you like. I think dating is a very important part of youth, but teens now are just messed up, it's all about sex and anal and what more just so they can be part of some stupid popular group, they don't do it for the fun and love. I dated a lot when I was younger, and I never regret this, it's thought me a lot, helped me cope with certain feelings and now I'm nineteen and in a relationship of two years, so it's not like I ended up being a **** or something. But I guess everybody has their own views on what's best for them, and different things are best for different people :)

I am in college and my mother still monitors my phone calls and text messages. She can't read or hear what I say, but thanks to the online phone bill every month, she knows exactly who I talk to and text.

Well, it depends on how old you are. But if you're somewhere around 16, the FYL, but then again, you live in Utah...isn't that state known for things to be fairly boring & people(parents) not really being in touch with reality??

Ok. At #167. **** OFF. Religion has NOTHING to do with this. It's an insane parent who has EVERYTHING yo do with this