By GymnasticsQueen - 08/02/2010 00:35 - United States

Today, I was going out to my car with my sister's birthday present. I slipped on some ice and the present fell to the ground. I spent an hour wrapping it. I could hear the present break. I had gotten her $200 wine glasses. I then had to run to the nearest store and get her a CD instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 503
You deserved it 3 368

GymnasticsQueen tells us more.

Ok, first of all you don't know me so you have no right to criticize me. You don't know how much pain I am in. I twisted my wrist when I fell. I am really good at gymnastics so don't say ANYTHING about that, but now I can't go to practice until my wrist is better. I was putting her present in the passenger seat, I wouldn't get out on the passenger side if I was driving so I had no way to know there was ice there. I'm not rich and neither is the rest of my family. My sister has been wanting these wine glasses since the Christmas of 2008. I couldn't find them anywhere. I have money set aside for gifts and things like that so I don't have to worry about making sure I have enough money; I have been setting money aside like that since I was 16.

Top comments

It also does no good to judge so hard when they are posting here. Obviously she already had a bad day

BrownSugar_fml 5


It took you an hour to wrap a present?!

Tell her what happened, like everyone else is saying. It would be much better than letting her think you really only got her a CD.

You could just take it back to the store and say the glasses were broken like that when you opened the box. It wouldn't be a total lie, since the glasses will be broken when you open the box lol. Most places would let you get a different one or give you a refund.

I'm sorry OP. That must really suck. :(