By Kaylz - 07/03/2016 04:35 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I was given a $100 cookbook as a gift by a co-worker. The man who shares a desk with me didn't realise it was mine, as he was at lunch when I got it, so he decided to give it to my boss when he walked in. My boss is refusing to return it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 200
You deserved it 1 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve97 32

Get your other co worker to vouch that it was a gift and report your boss for theft. Unless your company as a strict policy against gift giving.

alex_the_tiger 14

At a loss for words by how much of an ass your boss is


Snaxia 12

Your boss and co-worker sound like terrible people.

Just report it, call the police, something. Don't roll over and take it. This is ridiculous behavior from coworkers, especially bosses. Absolute bull.

riledupdemon 3

Go to HR and speak to them. You are the rightful owner and can go to the police. Then start looking for a new job. The boss will make your current one hell.

I don't understand your desk mates thinking... oh a cookbook on my shared desk! It couldn't possibly be my deskmate's.


just wanted to throw this out there but your boss and co worker committed a felony. theft of anything over $50 is a felony... so... they might want to return it. also who in the hell just picks something up at work and regifts it? There would've been an excellent possibility of it being someone else's property.

Excellent possibility? More like almost certainty.

Why would your desk mate give away something that he knew wasn't his, just because he didn't know who it belonged to?

I would go over your bosses head and report him as well as your co-worker. That creates a hostile work environment. (Grounds for firing.)

I feel like I just read a summary of a Seinfeld episode that was never actually made.

Go Over Your Bosses Head, Get The Co Worker To Back You Up That It Was A Gift.