By computerdude - 02/06/2009 00:44 - United States

Today, I was driving home, talking to my dad on the phone about losing my job. A man kept honking at me, I remarked to my dad how some people on the road are just assholes for no reason. I later realized I had left my laptop on my roof, and it flew onto the freeway. The man was signaling me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 255
You deserved it 66 901

computerdude tells us more.

to everyone ranting about the phone: its called bluetooth. to everyone not understanding how laptop got on roof: i was carrying a bunch of stuff and set laptop on the roof to open car door. i had just been reamed out by my office manager and head partners in a humiliating way and was distraught. i set it down the right way (on its rubber feet) so make a mental note for the next part. to everyone claiming the laptop could not / should not have made it to the freeway, and / or flown off: i work close to the freeway, and was amazed myself. I later re-drove the route and found the laptop on the side of teh freeway about 2 miles from where i had originally gotten on. from the damage to it, it looked like it must have caught the wind when i got up to speed and then slid down off to the side of the freeway.

Top comments

how the **** do you leave your laptop on the roof of your car... oh but sorry you lost your job :(

How do u even manage to do that. It's like throwing $1000 out the door.


HeyThereGorgeous 0

This is what laptop carrier cases are for my dear.

FrostyNorth 0

Even with your excuses, YDI. Even talking on bluetooth is distracted driving especially combined with the fact that you were so distraught that you left your laptop on the roof. Then someone behind you despeately tried to get your attention on a freeway. If you were in the right lane, then it wouldn't have been someone angry that you were going too slow, so you should've thought that they probably had some valid reason for honking. But nooo, you just assume they're being a jerk for no reason.

NickelPhosphate 0

@ 2: some people put things on top of their cars when they're loading them and need both hands (instead of putting it on the ground) - I've seen it many times before but never a laptop haha! And this is why you get a ticket if you're talking on your cell while driving. Yet some people just dont get it. And YDI. Not the losing your job bit. But karma is a bitch.

Omg WOW!! That's ****** sucks! Sorry to hear about that. Hope u got another laptop. Haha

1nicent1 0

this is like probably one of the most idiotic and stupidest actions ive seen on this website! why would u leave it on your car, you dont deserve to have a laptop, but sorry about your job. everyone deserves a job not everyone deserves a laptop.

JARED725 2

You need to check for things like that before you drive off!

Well you shouldnt have been talking on your cell phone while driving you selfish bitch. That shit causes accidents. Your laptop probably did too.