By Anonymous - 19/08/2018 20:30

Today, I was diagnosed with a tumor and had to cancel on the holidays with my crush of 4 years. He is taking another girl with him instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 493
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blightsight 10

It is a crush, not a boy friend. he isn't obligated to you.

Keyword here is crush. Just because something bad happens in your life, doesn't mean everybody you know has to stop theirs.


Emma Marshall 19

Well he isn't cause he's still a crush not her boyfriend or whatever.

How is he a prick? Maybe he doesnt even know why she cancelled

Emma Marshall 19

Yeah you've got a point actually lol

Keyword here is crush. Just because something bad happens in your life, doesn't mean everybody you know has to stop theirs.

You need to deal with getting rid of one tumor at a time! Luckily, the other one is going on vacation with some other girl.

Sorry to hear OP, hope you'll get well but did you tell your crush that you had a crush on them or else they wouldn't have gone for someone.

blightsight 10

It is a crush, not a boy friend. he isn't obligated to you.

I know you’re feeling like the world is so unfair and you were really looking forward to maybe finally making it happen with him. Try to think of this as a huge sign that he wasn’t the right one, and that what is right is probably on its way.

and your worried about that instead of your tumor? interesting

bobsanction 18

Well he's entitled to enjoy himself, even if it's not with you.

If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on IT. Of course if it actually fit on IT do you really still want him?