By katzperiod - 05/03/2009 04:21 - United States

Today, I was debating weed legalization in drug awareness. I was thoroughly unleashing arguments: how marijuana turns normal citizens into criminals, how the government spends billions to enforce drug laws, when I lost my train of thought. My teacher grinned saying, "My point exactly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 137
You deserved it 49 779

katzperiod tells us more.

Ok, my turn on my own post. My slip up came because it is very hard for me to organize my thoughts when I don't write them down and also because of frequent personal use. This is all besides the point of the debate though. I oppose the marijuana laws for both my own selfish reasons and from an economic-minded libertarian approach. It is written in the Declaration of Independence that all men are entitled to their own pursuit of happiness. From a public health point, marijuana does not physically harm anyone. Hard drugs should remain illegal because they will lead you to decay and death. Marijuana does not cause lung cancer or any other type of cancer. Zero people in the history of mankind have died directly from weed use. It is impossible to overdose and the worst that can happen is lethargy and fatigue. It can and has been used to treat over 120 diseases or symptoms of other medication. This country spends 12 billion dollars fighting pot with no results. If marijuana were legalized and taxed, then it would produce 6-7 billion dollars in revenue. That means almost 20 billion dollars would be gained every year that marijuana is legalized and taxed, money that can be spent on education, health care, environmental reform, defense, anything. Currently there is a huge overpopulation problem in prisons. 40% of all arrests are because of drug laws. Again as an American, I want to support legitimate American businesses and my government with my weed money. The people bringing weed into this country are international gangs that also deal in cocaine, heroin, prostitution, slavery, and arms deals. I do not enjoy supporting those causes for what I consider should be my personal freedom. To legalize pot would also create millions of jobs. Limited hemp research has proven that it would reduce dependence on foreign oil through hemp products and biodiesel made from hemp. Hemp is biodegradable and plastic can be synthesized from hemp fibers. Hemp seeds contain more protein than soy beans and could lower malnutrition if only it was legal to include it in aid packets sent to Third World countries. There is no slippery slope after you legalize pot. To say that fully automatic weapons could be legalized once pot is is absolutely absurd. Jake, the only reason weed is grouped with illegal drugs is because the government decided to place that label on it. Other drugs do physical and emotional harm through addiction. In response to #54, a good reason all those chemicals are present in weed smoke is because there has been no scientific approach to removing them, and most weed is smoked without a filter. Tobacco has been cultivated in America for 400 years and science has been around for 150 of those, the tobacco companies have billions of dollars to spend funding both research on how to make it safer and to fund anti-pot studies. I say enough propaganda. Listen patiently to what others say and accept it only if they can prove it with facts. All that I have stated above can be proven with facts. Jake, could it be that pot makes your family lazy because they don't want to be arrested outside? For someone who posts that you don't want people to cram opinions down other people's throats, you certainly like to cram your own down ours. In the last one I just read you were using mostly all caps.

Top comments

Yep, when I smoke weed I like to go a rapin' and a killin'... lame.


ndrocksmysocks44 0

haha i think the teacher rocks i would have laughed so hard if i was in that class!!

lwjv 0

#5 - I hope YOU aren't serious either. Legalizing marijuana is not a Republican vs Democrat issue, nor was it ever. @ the OP - You got served.

pot turns people into criminals? it makes people friendly and eat and sleep good. smuggling anything illegal makes people into criminals, not just pot. herb is the healing of a nation, alchahol is the destruction.

You got the wrong tree of life for this FML , 182.

Learn how to spell, it is spelled "alcohol." Also, you just did to alcohol what you're mad at people for doing to weed. Congratulations.

MrDoctor 0

i don't see the cause of the "FML"...the only thing that you should be sayin FML for is the fact that u didn't get up and show the teacher who's boss. u shoulda put yo D in his mouth, then he could have written, "today, in school, a student put his D in my mouth,FML" and then there would be something on this website that would actually be funny

Weed does turn people into killers, robbers, criminals. Not in the sense that when you do it, you'll go and murder someone(though sometimes you be inclined to) but people rob and kill for the money in order to buy more weed. The legalization of all drugs actually would help. People do drugs for the purpose of escaping, or because everyone else is doing it and they want to too. If Consenting adults choose to get high, that's their business. If we can keep them safe, (ie. clean needles, safe places to buy drugs) then we wouldn't have to spend billions of dollars on the drug war. Drugs has existed in pretty much every society in the world, and clearly, drug prohibition isn't the way to go. Although that's just my point of view.

alcohol is much worse than weed, i agree with that, on alcohol, you get in fights on weed, you spend you high trying to figure out how to stop you friends leg from growing too fast, however the people saying "weed is illegal because the government can't tax it" is Enough cow shit you could grow some "magic" mushrooms in said cow shit. they spend more money in law enforcement and campains against weed than they could ever make in fines they handout. it's illegal because a lot of people grow up in strict homes where all illegal drugs are bad, now, all grown up, many people still spew forth the opinions of people that they grew up with. and now the few people that might be able to change it get shot down by these dumbass' that can't think and form opinions for themselves. so don't get mad at people who spend their time finding facts and figures that embrace their views against pot, get pissed at people that simply say. "pot is bad, mommy and daddy said so."

wrestler_fml 0

Weed isn't as bad as alcohol, true- but it's still horrible for you, and it makes you lazy. I know this because my dad smokes it sometimes, and so do some of my friends. You have to either be blind (or be an addict yourself) to not see the side effects. And this might be sobering, and not what you want to hear, and it might even HURT- but think about this one harsh question: "If weed isn't addictive, then why do so many potheads keep smoking it, even to the point where you throw your futures and lives away? Why do you get swept up in pothead/rastafarian/punk culture, when it's so obvious that it's a waste of time to anybody not in it? Lastly... when you smoke weed and you say your "eyes are opened"; do you really think that its the Weed God of infinite knowledge giving you the key to the world..... or could it possibly just be the THC (tetrahydrocannibal) in the marijuana that makes you addicted to it?"

haithurmiranda 0

#25- i'm pretty sure that was OP's point...

musu_fml 0

#14: He could have gone further than this. He could have given the teacher a cold, hard stare, and say that if the teacher is implying that he has used an illegal drug and broken the law, then that teacher had better demonstrate some evidence to back up that claim, or publicly and sincerely apoligise, with the threat that a lawsuit for slander (or defamation, or whatever applies) will be coming his way very quickly if he refuses. A teacher saying that sort of thing is COMPLETELY UNNACEPTABLE. #25: From what you describe, weed doesn't turn people into crooks and killers. Not being able to AFFORD weed does that. My friend, that criminality is a symptom of poverty, not of drug addiction. You are correct, though; legalisation will help. It will give people avenues to enjoy the drug without getting anywhere near the criminal world. Johnny Teen isn't going to get involved in gangs and dealers if he can buy a little dope in a shop with his paper round money; he'd never have to go anywhere near criminals, avoiding "getting in with a bad crowd". It isn't the drug that's causing the crime. It's the illegal status of it. If you made chocolate illegal, you can be sure you'd soon have gunfights between Hersheys dealers in the streets, kids mugging women to get the $50 needed for his next bar of smuggled-in British Dairy Milk. It's all pointless debating it, though. If you really want it legalised over there, just convince your Republicans that they'll save billions in law-enforcement and penal-system costs, and they'll MAKE billions in new tax revenue on the legalised drug. And not to mention the fact that you can comfortably grow it in your country; so that more money made in a new agricultural industry. And all those dope smokers are now out there able to get work and pay taxes, instead of sitting in a cell for three years because they got caught enjoying a puff too many.

pltcllyincorrect 0

you will probably all bash me, but i am completely AGAINST the legalization of weed. i also personally think that cigarettes and alcohol would be better off illegal too, but it's too late for that now because it's become such a big part of people's lives and the economy is already in the toilet. they've been around for centuries and nothing can change that. and i know, weed has been around too, but it's not the same thing. YAY #27!! *****obviously, weed/alcohol/etc doesn't turn everyone into criminals. it makes good or semi-good or whatever kind of people do bad/stupid things. that's that. i have experienced this first hand in my family and i have very strong opinions about it.

lmngrl889 14

alcohol kills people. so do cigarettes. when is the last time you heard someone dying from smoking pot???

lmngrl889 14

alcohol kills people. so do cigarettes. when is the last time you heard someone dying from smoking pot???