By milhouse86 - 27/09/2010 19:22 - United States

Today, I was changing in the back seat of my new truck when it started to roll backwards. In my haste to reach the brake, I hit my head and fell face first into the steering wheel. I then realized that it wasn't rolling. The car next to me was just pulling out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 840
You deserved it 29 817

milhouse86 tells us more.

milhouse86 0

yea, that would have sucked lol

Top comments

Am I the only one who read "the guy next to me was just pulling out?" That would have made this even funnier.


this fml is a fake no driver can b this dumb. NONE!!!

DarDarAttack 0

For some reason I imagined cars having sex when he said "pulling out." Could cars have baby cars? Or would they have quads or mini bikes?

Kbuzy 0

are you kidding, funny as shit!...hahahahaaa

sappy0 5

lmao lmao!! now that's hilarious!!!

umm it says nothing about a "guy" pulling out it definitely says "car" .

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Fail_For_Me 3

Today, I hit my head on a steering wheel because someone pulled out next to me. FML

The mental image of him freaking out & fumbling around frantically is hilarious to me. He's kind of a dumbass, but I'd love to know him just for the comic relief, cuz somethin tells me he does this type of thing often.