By PissOffPottermore - 13/09/2012 14:31 - United States - Oak Lawn

Today, I was called into my son's school because he had got into a fist-fight with another pupil and I had to take him home. He clammed up about the reason behind the fight, until I finally managed to coax it out of him: the other kid is in "Hufflepuff" and he's in "Ravenclaw." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 172
You deserved it 4 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think the kid is really in Hufflepuff, that house doesn't seem like the type to fight. I think he's hiding his Slytherin ways.

The kids don't pick what house they're in, that's the Sorting Hats job.


krazygurl111 3

Your kids a big **** and destined to get his ass beat all through his school years enjoy

Theblackrose8 5

No no no! That's not how it works! You only pick a fight if the other party is a Slytherin!

I'm in Ravenclaw, and my best friend is in Hufflepuff! There's no need to fight people!

You should have had a dumber kid so he would be in hufflepuff too. Then you wouldn't have this problem, I'm just saying.

Well, be glad your son is the Ravenclaw and not the Hufflepuff. Good choice.