By anonymous - 19/07/2012 22:31 - United States

Today, I was at work when a cute guy came up to me and said he liked my shirt. In a desperate attempt to say something back, I said, "Thanks, I like your shoelaces." FML
I agree, your life sucks 449
You deserved it 58

Top comments

pcentral 17

Your gaze should have been directed about two feet higher

That's actually a funny and cute comment, all in one. If anything, it must have made him smile. :) Don't sweat it, Op. We all have our tongue-tied moments. This one's just yours. ;)


It would be awesome if his shoes didn't have shoelaces.

43- Really? Not always. Example: Guy: :D "Wow, nice ****!" Girl: ;p "Gee....thanks." Not very flattering, is it? *Teasing!* ;P

Haha but it's still a compliment! ...even if it was poorly thought out like that xD

SystemofaBlink41 27

I love it when girls compliment my shoelaces ;)

BrysGirl27 14

Nice aglets;) don't know of that's spent right:p

Well atleast you still complimented him, and you could have blurted out something dumber so it's not all bad, but I do hope you corrected yourself after

Emberlynnn 9

That's adorable.... He musta atleast got a laugh out of it

merryhappy1887 20

Awe lol don't worry we all have moments

Yes cause shoelaces really are a good topic starter . hopefully it works for your favor otherwise better luck next time.

perdix 29

Q: How do you know when you're dealing with an extrovert engineer? A: When he talks to you he stares at your shoes instead of his own.