By BannedfromFriend - 20/05/2015 23:21 - United States

Today, I was at my best friend's house, listening to him complain about his mother remembering all the bad stuff he did when he was in high school. I jokingly said, "An elephant never forgets." Guess who was behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 832
You deserved it 10 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And she will never forget you said that either

Well I'd say you'd have to talk about the elephant in the room but sounds like you already did...


And she will never forget you said that either

And that's when you say, "...The elephant's outstanding memory is the only trait you have in common with it. That and you're really fat." It fixes everything!

erizonkim 17

uh oh your name says what happened next...

Well I'd say you'd have to talk about the elephant in the room but sounds like you already did...

starwind3437 6

I'm guessing an elephant was behind you.

Ihavegas 22

big momma gunna knock you the **** out

Too bad she'll never forget that. Unless you use a two by four...

amileah13 26

Time to pick up your feet and run away!!

funneh1 21

Oooh, watch what you say and where you say it.

Run, an elephant can't catch you. On second thought if it can catch you, you don't have the right to call anyone else an elephant.