By master baiter - 12/08/2013 17:11 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I was at a job interview for a position I really needed. Somehow, the interviewer and I started talking about fishing. I joked, "I'm a master baiter." Needless to say, I didn't get the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 880
You deserved it 43 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

Haha, Giggity. I would have hired you for saying that! :D good luck in the next job interview.


Don't worry, OP. There are plenty of fishes in the sea. Did you sea what I did there?

Then you act like it wasn't a joke: "No seriously, I'm an expert at jerking off. Here, I'll show you." And then try to finish before security arrives.

At least you would make a lasting impression that way!

150493x 29

Maybe keep the jokes to a minimum on your next job interview.

At least OP didn't follow up with, "Wanna see how far I can shoot my line?"

Well you can show how good you are and take a fishing trip to clear things up...I can tell that was accidental...maybe things will clear up....

If someone ran up to you and attacked you, could you give him a lethal blow? What if he was coming really hard? If someone jumped on your friend and attacked them, would you beat him off?

They just didn't appreciate that you are a cunning linguist and a master debater.

dakotahulsey 15

Nobody wants a boss without a sense of hunor

perdix 29

It's probably because they knew you were lying. I'm sure you are just a journeyman baiter or a yeoman baiter, but to become a master baiter, you need to have years of experience handling the worm and getting it to respond to your every touch.

Real fisherman don't make that joke. YDI for bring a suck ass.