By 1gullible_bugger - 08/07/2019 20:00

Today, I was assaulted by a crazy drunk woman. Why? Six years ago, her kids were put into foster care because she was unfit. Somehow, this was my fault. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 813
You deserved it 136

Same thing different taste

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Her kids were put in foster care 6 years ago. She got them back a year later after she sobered up. The kids are now 18 and 21,and as far as I know moved out long ago to different cities / towns. Somehow she believes I reported her abusive behaviour 6 years ago.

Leviathene 34

I got punched in the face by a pregnant woman while I was at the clubs years ago. I had never met her before and she thought I had gotten her fired from her job..


ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

should've helped her get sober and then get her kids back, addics need help!

She did get help, 6 years ago. That's how she got her kids back. Now she's off the wagon again and it's my fault she lost the kids 6 years ago. Last I heard, once she got them back everything was just peachy. 3 or 4 years ago I ran into them at Walmart. They were all happy to be back together again. She was clean and sober, and friendly. The other day she was drunk and mad. Exercising her alcoholic muscles. Cops just threw her in jail to sober up over night.

Her kids were put in foster care 6 years ago. She got them back a year later after she sobered up. The kids are now 18 and 21,and as far as I know moved out long ago to different cities / towns. Somehow she believes I reported her abusive behaviour 6 years ago.

Leviathene 34

I got punched in the face by a pregnant woman while I was at the clubs years ago. I had never met her before and she thought I had gotten her fired from her job..

Sounds like the kids are grown now and the window is closed. I hope you're not injured beyond a bruise or a flesh wound, OP.

WaluigiKnuckles 5

Not this time. I told the cops I just don't want to deal with her. If she returns, then I'll be pressing charges. This happened about 2 weeks ago. Never seen her again. Been watching my back when I am outside though. She tried to sneak up on me while I was mowing the lawn.