By neednewdeoderant - 14/12/2011 02:39 - United States

Today, I walked into my bathroom to find my girlfriend applying my deodorant. This would have been fine, if she wasn't applying it to her mouth. I don't think deodorant helps with bad breath, but a quick Google search shows that it does help with herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 611
You deserved it 3 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I first read this, I saw "If she wasn't applying it to"... Is it wrong if I thought crotch first?

gunmania0 12

There are two ways you can get herpes... just don't let her give you a Blowie...


FYLDeep 25

Habits like those can get you in trouble. If she's already sharing deodorant with you, she could be sharing needles, or sharing partners. I wouldn't do anything intimate with her until she's tested. And by all means dump her if she's positive. You don't need something that's going to stay with you longer than she probably will.

are you really jumping from deodorant borrowing to needle sharing? Really...

FYLDeep 25

It's not sanitary. Just like hat sharing can lead to lice, and toothbrush sharing can lead to herpes. Besides, it's not like her tendency to borrow someone else's items is the only thing about the FML that points this direction. She was applying deodorant to her mouth... That's not normal.

I'm with #53, that's not trustworthy behavior.

TheChad85 1

Is it genital herpes or a cold sore? Huge difference both are considered herpes though; a cold sore is herpes simplex 1 and genital herpes is simplex 2. Don't dump her for a cold sore (but don't let her go down on u either), but why is she using your Deodorant? For sure creepy

Depending on the deodorant it can have soothing effects? Not to sure but I think something aloe based.

The way aerosoles are stored make it possible to freeeze and kill cells

TheChad85 1

49 -I've heard that but never tried, can't recall having a cold sore ever either tho

Share everything, until death do you part :D

sillyjb 9

Is there a valtrex scented deodorant ?

thefuckinloser 6

well its probly to late you have to wait for your flare up

19, you would know this how exactly? Not personal "trial & error" experiment I hope...I could understand the deodorant, but perfume?.....dangit now I have to google that to see if you're right, cause girls could save sooo much money using perfume instead of buy abreva or some other costly meds.

Jeez, looking at these comments i can only presume the average reader islike 10 years old.. When its at the mouth, its a cold sore. THe virus is hidden most of the time but you can still pass it on. 80% of people have this strain of the virus, so if you've ever kissed anyone you probably have it. It cant be passed from mouth to genitals, so no need for the hysterica there. Education is a wonderful thing people!

The strain of herpes that causes cold sores CAN be passed from mouth to genitals. Sorry if you've already ignored this and had oral from someone with a cold sore, but you may be due for an outbreak of genital herpes one of these days...You're right about 80% of people having the cold sore herpes virus though, so don't think OP has much to worry about - his girlfriend probably hasn't been doing the dirty, just got a cold sore outbreak because of stress or something.

Technically true, i guess, although a) the odds are much slimmer and b) as most people had the strain beforhand their body will be apt at creating antibodies for the virus and subsiquently the chances of a flare up are even slimmer.

It's still possible. I've seen it happen, not to me personally. If you pop the oral sore then go down on your partner then they can get it genitally.

DirtyJerzey8083 7

You are sincerely misinformed! Herpes simplex 1 AKA cold sores, can be transferred to the genital area. It does not make it herpes simplex 2, it just makes it the cold sore strain of herpes on your genitals. And vise versa, u blow someone's with simplex 2 and u can get it on your lips, mouth area etc. it's so contagious you can spread it without visible symptoms even though that's rarer. But true indeed, 1 out of 5 people have cold sores

Llamacod 11

Uhh dirty jersey, I don't know how you convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions but your way is wrong. 80% is actually 4 out of 5 people or 4/5ths not 1 out of 5 which is actually 20%

Tmoney20 3

Stop being an fml nazi please! Im sure many of these readers as well as me knew that already. It doesn't mean we can't have a little fun with it!! in sure there's old people sites you can go too if were too immature .. Have a nice day!

desireev 17

Omg! This FML is a classic example of when someones life really sucks! I expected peoples comments to be saying "that sucks! So sorry!" and instead, I see alot of not-so-educated people trying to give a lesson on herpes. Everyone needs to stop posting shit about the type 1 and type 2 shit. There are seriously like 50 comments about it already!! It's getting old!!

Yeah, we'll I'll bet you learned something though.

desireev 17

Yeaaaaah... No not really!! I learned that entirely too many people know way too much about herpes! And that is slightly disturbing!!!

kaykay20 0

Nothing wrong with being well educated about a highly contagious STD. If they don't have it then they know how to avoid it and if they have it they know how to treat it which is a good thing. I'd be more disturbed if they didn't know anything about it or about any other high contagious STD's.

Stop being an ignorant bitch. There's nothing wrong with being educated. If all you have to offer is "I'm Sorry your life sucks so much" then that's all you need to say. Obviously a ton of people were misinformed about herpes and now they've been set right on the subject. It's a great thing, it helps people stay safe AND reduces panic about it. Knowledge is power.

TheChad85 1

155 -I applaud u and your knowledge. Other girl, u have a nice face.. Try not to get genital herpes all over it.

oh dear. i'd get yourself check sooner rather than later