By T3kM4n - 20/09/2016 06:08 - United States - Spokane

Today, I've been recovering for a week from my medically needed circumcision. I'm 30, and they advise you wear essentially a jock strap for the first week to help. It wasn't too bad until I went to take the thing off and it caught a stitch on my manhood. That's the most unique pain ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 916
You deserved it 1 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that gives new meaning to the term 'yanking it'!!

airdude25 18

Oh my god! I could only imagine... I'm so sorry OP!


Once I read "medically needed circumcision," I knew that pain was a foreskin conclusion.

A tip of the mushroom cap to you good sir.

"Foreskin, oh Foreskin! Why has thou forsaken me?!"

Oh god...I'm female and even I cringed at that thought. You poor soul. I hope you're feeling better now.

Another female here, and I just crossed my legs reading this. YEOUCH indeed!

Ms_Monster 6

Oh, you poor soul. I don't have a penis, but I that still makes me cringe.

On a scale of 1 to 10, our pain is a 6 just reading this.

No plz no never say this. I beg you to never share this with anyone just concentrate and you should be able to disappear and this event will ripple out of time and out of all our minds. I beg of you

What kind of backwoods drugs are you taking?

Goblin182 26

Oh my go9dn3ss that's awful.. but I have to ask... What medical reasons do men developed that require them to be circumcised?

Phimosis and paraphimosis are two main reasons. The foreskin either is too tight to retract or pull back up. The latter can restrict bloodflow to the glans. Also the dreaded caught in zipper injury can cause it.

I specifically had Phimosis, I could actually retract the foreskin while flaccid, not while erect. But it was completely uncomfortable and made sexual activities not really enjoyable... I hope the next 4 or 5 weeks go by quickly!

I'm actually going with this to the doctor in a few ways, can you answer one question? Is it hard or difficult to use the toilet or is there no problem? It's like the biggest problem I can think of while in recovery... After all you can put off other activities, but you need to use the bathroom a few times a day...

It's absolutely an adjustment. Most docs actually make you go pee after the procedure but before you leave the hospital. My advice it to just sit for the first few days when you go. I had so much bruising I couldn't aim worth a damn.

Look into foreskin stretching. You may not really need surgery.

That works for some, there is some cream that doctors can prescribe as well that can help. I tried both with no luck...

Hi, I've had the same surgery and can tel you that peeing is no problem. Sex and masturbation will be different and will take a little getting used to. But that's just a matter of practice!