By ShellShocked - 30/03/2013 04:06 - United States

Today, I turned 18. My parents got me a pineapple and a pair of socks. I'm allergic to pineapple, and the socks are too small. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 822
You deserved it 3 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Happy Birthday OP:) congrats on making it to 18!


In some parts of the south, giving a guest a pineapple means that they've overstayed their welcome. Maybe your parents are hinting that they want you to move out?

blackvyper 8

Allergic to pineapple? You basically have no life... sad.

23 - Not to sound rude or anything, but no one cares.

64 - not to sound rude or anything, but you just sound rude!

Chucklikesbacon 12

I'm sorry OP, thats sucky. but, hey, it's the thought that counts!

The fact that you tried the socks on, is funny to me.

Maybe the pineapple is symbolic for something. Like, say, your vitamin B deficiency, or your parents immeasurable love

That sucks..I'm allergic to pineapples too :-/