By Andrew - 24/11/2011 20:19 - United Kingdom

Today, I tried to buy a bottle of wine from the supermarket. The scrawny, acne-ridden kid at the checkout asked to see my ID. I didn't have any on me, since I'm 37 years old and didn't expect to be asked stupid questions. I complained to his manager, only to be asked to leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 696
You deserved it 54 504

Same thing different taste


legally if you don't look like a senior they are required to see id.

Take your ID with you cause you never know!

You sound like an utter bitch by the fact that you have to describe a completely irrelevant detail with the kid being acne ridden. Next time, bring your ID and stop acting like such an entitled baby.

indy316 0

YDI for getting mad at someone for doing their job! stupidest FML ever. would have liked to be the guy that threw you out haha

redmane 21

Shouldn't you always have your I.D? What if a cop pulled you over?

Did you happen to forget that they're required to ask for ID? Either way you're a moron.

i forgot my ID at a restaurant recently and was refused alcohol ... so do you know what i did? i didn't blame the waitress, i didn't complain to the manager, because i'm not like a whiny little bitch like you. i went home and got my ID because i was the irresponsible person who forgot it in the first place. maybe you should have done the same. the rules apply to everyone including you. YDI.

STXman1989 2

Under most state laws the cashier must I.D. Anyone that may be under the age of 40, it's not his fault he doesn't want a fine, possible jail time, and to lose his job. It's not a stupid question and you sir are a moron for describing the cashier in a negative light based solely on your bad experience.

The UK is not a state though. Some stores have a policy of if you look under 25 they *might* ID you but It rarely happens.