By BiteMe14 - 07/01/2011 19:10 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend about my foot phobia. To help me "get over it", he took his socks off, pinned me down, and rubbed his foot against my face until I started sobbing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 821
You deserved it 7 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazy_lil_thing 0

I woulda punched him in his face.


theRovingMage 0

Now you're just being rude. I haven't insulted you, and now you're trying to shut down the dialog by mocking me. Look, I'm not saying that everyone else *must* use words the way I do. But I do hate being told "ZOMG, why do u pretend like ur so smrt cuz u spel n use real wordz?", and I hate seeing people say it to others, so I stuck up for Kua_Mei. You don't have to talk like this. Just ignore it and move along, if you care so deeply about avoiding walls of text. Joy of skimming.

OMG!! I have foot phobia myself and it's horrible!! Its good to know I'm not the only one in the world who has it. I've had that happen and I am SOO SORRY it had to happen to you. Hope you're okay...and I hope your not still with him or at least he is more respectful.

Agreed, Mage. 139 - All that was pointed out was the fact she's a literate teen. She's obviously well spoken and there's no need to bring her down for that. The point I was trying to make was simply that it's rare to see someone so young with any intelligence. Mst speek lyk dis n u rly cnt undrstnd m bcuz werds r nt uzed oftin.

He has a sense of humor. I understand it's a phobia, but considering it's an irrational one, this is funny. it would be like my bf taking me to a windmill farm. it's not like he tried pouring battery acid on you.

it's for your own good girl! shows he cares xD hahahahahaha! how in the world do feet scare you? are do ya just think they're gnarly

because feet aren't scary they are gross. I no I shouldn't be speaking for the moderator but trust me when you find feet gross, it can be pretty bad.

patiencek 0

my boyfriend once held me down and let his friend lick inbetween my toes, I cried like a baby so I understand how you feel. I suggest kicking in the groin they learn quick after that!

mzgabbster 28

lol Why did his friend lick in between your toes? That's nasty.

I don't see your point, theRovingMage. Where have I ever formulated a sentence like an idiot? And that last sentence of mine was just a joke, lighten up. Anyway, if you want to save the art of language, go to any blogger site and weep. Another point I would like to make is that not everyone who is online, is a native English speaker. It might be a good idea to "dumb yourself down a little", so that non-native English speakers can also participate.

Actually, Kua_Mei should get a blog. She would be a boost to the image of blogs... But this is a comment section, not a blogger space. So let me be clear: nothing against intelligent teenagers. Just against ramblings where they don't belong.

This is what we call an asshole. Either go with what 146 suggested, or find out something he's absolutely terrified of from his mother or something and then go do it to him.