By sad face - 24/11/2012 11:54 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, I told my boss that I quit, and handed in my two week's notice. A couple of hours later, I found my letter of resignation had been photocopied and copies hung all around the office with "Best day ever" written on the bottom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 022
You deserved it 5 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

isableha 9

That's pretty immature of your boss. If they really didn't like you, they easily could have fired you. Your boss sounds like a sore loser.

randomthing 22

That's really mean and immature done by your ex-boss.


Go to HR withe evidence, citing hostility in the workplace, and ask for time in lieu of notice. Voila! A two-week paid vacation. You're welcome.

nissan31 2

Yeah like that cake thing. Make him shit all day

Llama_Face89 33

And you still have two weeks before you're free of that place.. That's gonna be rough. Godspeed, OP.

Did anyone else here the sponge bob song "The Best Day Ever", when you read this FML? I sure did.

That is why I hate quitting jobs. People tend to be pricks about it especially when you're a good worker

So it's his best day ever, now that your good performance is no longer showing him up? He's messing with your head. Don't help him.

Sue you totally can, that's a confidential employment document.

CharresBarkrey 15

I don't see how you made it through nursing school with spelling like that.