By Etta - 04/03/2017 22:00 - United States

Today, I stayed home from work, feeling ill. Come lunch time, I made myself some ramen noodles, thinking that the broth would feel good on my throat. Too bad I sneezed while carrying the bowl, dumping the boiling hot broth all down my front. The skin on my boob peeled away like tissue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 531
You deserved it 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pics or it's ... on second thought, nah. Feel better!

AirBusDriver 23

Holy shit, I just choked on my bowl of ramen while reading this! Hope you heal up quickly OP!!


Pics or it's ... on second thought, nah. Feel better!

Eashy 16

Now you have something to blow your nose with!

AirBusDriver 23

Holy shit, I just choked on my bowl of ramen while reading this! Hope you heal up quickly OP!!

Get some silver cream booboo. Burns can be the worst.

TeaRex__ 23

Aw! That hurt, if you're looking for a bright side, then if it was those 3-4 min store bought Ramen noodles, eating it would probably have made your throat feel worse because they contain so many spices, so at lease you didn't eat it... tinny tinny bright side. Hope you get well again soon.

I second this, I love ramen but when I'm sick it's a no go! Only if I'm desperate.

I'm thinking of all the bra-less days ahead of you. Could be the silver lining you're hunting for.

Try raw honey, or nettle tea if you can find it. Nothing with spices!

Maybe wear some clothes while you are eating.

So you wear water-proof clothes on a daily basis? Because the last time I looked a simple shirt wouldn't do much against a bowl of hot water.

jcash52426 5

That's what you get for eating Ramon noodle!

How the hell did you have it so hot to melt skin off your boob? You had plans to put that in your mouth? Sorry about the situation. Burns hurt so bad. Hope it heals quickly with no scarring.

I imagind she cooked it, put the hot soup into a bowl and carried it to wherever she wants to eat it. What do you do? Letting it sit for an hour until it's cold? Usually you put the food onto a fork/spoon and blow air on it until it's cool enough to swallow. I thought this was the normal way to eat.

I do let food cool, YES 1; IT DOES NOT sit UNTIL cold, but I also don't serve it out when hot enough to MELT] SKIN.