By JustRidingMyBike - 04/01/2017 17:11

Today, I started my new job as a supervisor. I began by cleaning out my new office, including recycling large sheets of cardboard left over from the new calendars. When the 2nd shift came in, however, they got very upset and yelled at me. Apparently, I had thrown away my Muslim workers' prayer mats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 387
You deserved it 1 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your comment makes it sound like people should come to the job and just work and not read a book, eat, chat...etc. All these can be done during the break time which is probably when the muslim workers are performing their prayers. Nothing wrong with that.

PeterB444 17

wow that really sucks but it was an honest mistake imo. How would you have known? Good luck and look at it as an opportunity to make a new friend! Maybe buy him some new ones as an apology and go from there?


yes yes all one billion of us are coming to get you...BOO

yes yes all one billion of us are coming to get you...BOO

jonnysl1 0

Yes. That's why most places have every major Christian holiday off

did those mats really look like old sheets?

Marlon4136 4

They're personal religious articles don't belong in the supervisor's office. Don't cater to their invasion attempts!

If there were things belonging to other people in your office you should have asked what wasn't yours to throw away