By Banana_Lord - 26/05/2014 01:43 - United States - Santa Cruz

Today, I saw the script for the end of year assembly skit I'm forced to participate in. Looks like on my last day of high school, I'll be running around in a rainbow unicorn costume in front of my entire high school and their parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 429
You deserved it 5 726

Banana_Lord tells us more.

Hi, OP here. I guess I should explain this a little better. On the last day of school, we have a big awards assembly and then hand out yearbooks at the end. Our yearbooks always have a theme and the people in charge do a little skit at the end of the assembly. Our theme this year is fairy tales, thus the unicorn costume (our mascot isn't a rainbow unicorn lol). I'm editor in chief so I can't just back out, and the other people involved are really excited about the skit, so I'd hurt their feelings if I told them how stupid I think it is. I ended up trying to get out of it by telling them I couldn't make it to the rehearsal, but they just switched my part to the narrator. Not quite what I was hoping for, but at least I don't have to do anything embarrassing. You guys' comments made me laugh, and for all the people who said they would love to dress up as a unicorn, to each their own I guess!

Top comments

It's not a bad thing to go out of high school in a bang. You'll like college way more anyway

Don't feel bad, you're living every brony's dream!


It's not a bad thing to go out of high school in a bang. You'll like college way more anyway

incoherentrmblr 21
\ 28

*WITH a bang. "In a bang" sounded delightfully obscene. :3

titandesu 14

original poster, used when talking to the person who made the fml

I agree, I would probably be a bit frustrated at first for getting the part then I would probably embrace my inner unicorn and play the part like my life depended on it!

brettrb 18

Such good advice. High schoolers worry too much about what others think. They need to just have fun and not care who's watching because one day it'll all be a distant memory.

JMichael 25

embrace your school spirit!

kingdomgirl94 29

Or say one simple word: No. what'll they do if you refuse? suspend you?

Lavelle1313 11

How is this an FML? Rainbow unicorns are the best!

Don't feel bad, you're living every brony's dream!

imessedupagain 9

To bad he's not a pegasus, he could have been RD

meli1195 31

Just think of this as an opportunity to show everyone how awesome you are OP! Good luck!!

Obstinate Pony, of course. You didn't figure that out from the context of the FML??

rock the shit outta that unicorn costume

Rolling around in your number 2 I see >:)

that's actually pretty awesome. keep your head up, OP.