By airborne - 06/05/2009 01:11 - United States

Today, I saw someone drive recklessly as if they were drunk. When I called the cops, I got pulled over by another cop for talking on my cell phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 159
You deserved it 17 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks man. I'm sure if you explain to the judge they should drop the ticket or at least the fee partially.

Leptailurus 0

As much as I hate when people talk on their cell phones while driving, I have to admit that billboard is horribly misleading in that case. I agree, FYL.


in what state is it illegal to talk on the phone while driving??!

i'm not sure how cell phone driving and drunk driving compare in idiocy, but they can't be too far apart... YDI

This is a repeat. It was decent the first time. Now it's just kind of lame. I don't care if it happened to two different people, or fifty, it's the same damn story, and it's not entertaining the second time. Have the editors of FML not read as much of FML as many readers? Seriously, what the hell?

I call BS. The law clearly states a call to 911 is an exception the the cell phone law.

Does anyone else wonder if the "drunk driver" was just talking on their cell phone, and not actually drunk?

someone lives in LA (or at least california)

#55 - it is ILLEGAL in California to be on a cell phone without a handsfree. Its a ticket for about what the OP stated, although I am sure cops can ticket you for more simply by siting another violation (suich as a techinical violation, like headlights or seatbelt). As of January 1 it is also illegal to text or email. Basically you can't use your phone unless it is hands free

#13 - Road fatalities per driven mile are misleading, you should look more at road fatalities per # of people, or road fatalities per # of cars, etc. Looking at road fatalities per driven mile only show just that, they don't take into consideration that the US has a population of over 300 million whereas Germany only had a population of over 82 million and the Netherlands, a population of over only 16 million. Of course road fatalities per driven mile would be smaller there because there are less people driving. Road fatalities for the US per million population are high at 145, however, the US is matched by Greece and followed closely by Poland. Russian outdoes the US with 237 fatalities per million. Other places such as Portugal, Hungary, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, while not matched to the US, also all have high road fatalities per million population. And to say that US drivers get behind the wheel without knowing what they are doing as opposed to European drivers who all get behind the wheel and drive well, is ridiculous. I know plenty of people in my country who get behind the wheel acting stupid and reckless and I am sure there are plenty of people in the US who get behind the wheel as responsible drivers. Road statistics are misleading because they don't look at the factors which affect them, such as the fact that most European countries have driving ages of 18, some with 17, whereas US citizens can get a license anywhere from the age of 14 to the age of 16. A lot of Europeans drive smaller cars whereas large trucks and SUVs are more popular in the States and are more likely to cause fatal accidents. The terrain could also play a big part in the fatality of accidents as well as the policing force or laws. A better police force may stop most fatal accidents before they happen. I also think a lot of people are missing the point. The point is that the AD encourages you to report reckless driving, yet, in order to report it, you, yourself, has to do something which is also considered reckless driving. The OP tried to do the right thing, if the person wasn't drunk then they shouldn't have a problem when they are pulled over.

#58 - The OP may not have called 911, they may have called a drunk driving hotline or a highway patrol.

Owned ;) How reckless are we talking here? Speeding? Going all over the lanes? (which I would dispute neither is truly reckless if the driver knows what he's doing)