By AboutToBeHomeless - 03/11/2016 13:16

Today, I received a letter from my landlord's attorney. It said my landlord is terminating my "verbal" lease with him. Ten years ago, the deal began as rent to own. My landlord is my grandfather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 914
You deserved it 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to kick it up to a higher court: Grandma

FYL but you really should have written it down for some legal standing just in case.


FYL but you really should have written it down for some legal standing just in case.

How can he have any standing with a verbal lease? It is literally his word against yours.

What court is going to make grandpa sign over the house to her based on a verbal contract with no witnesses?

In North America most verbal contracts (in this case, leases) have standing that defaults to the laws put in place. So if there's a law saying a landlord has the right to evict a tenant so long as they give 2 months notice, then the verbal agreement between the landlord and tenant must abide by that law. The point really is to make sure tenants and landlords are protected in cases like these. Grandfather rents to grandkid, then tries to kick them out claiming there was no written contract, well agreeing the rent-to-own was a verbal contract and therefore he cannot kick the kid out without notice.

moo77_fml 20

Speak to him!!! Find out why his doing this.. and good luck op

here, I you pay rent for x amount of time, you have a lease. official.

A lease, sure. But that doesn't grant her ownership of the house.

Thats not how a contract works at all lol and definitely not held up in court

You can't do a "rent to own" on a verbal agreement. Those should have a clear timeline as well as define what part of the monthly payment goes to regular rent versus purchase option. If you only had a verbal agreement, it was never rent to own.

Always have rental agreements in writing no matter how you know the landlord.

ApparentlyNotEno 28

YDI for not getting it in writing, but that doesn't mean you have no rights. A verbal contract is still enforceable in most jurisdictions, especially with ten years (!!!) of history behind it. Get yerself an attorney. Now.

Lawyer up. That's a huge amount of cash on the line. And one side cannot just decide to terminate a verbal agreement. It's not first come, first served with the law.

I completely agree. But the grandfather did op a favor sending the letter. Op now has in writing proof that there is an agreement in place. And no. One side can't void it on a whim. Try walking out on a regular lease and see what happens.