By justcomesnaturally - 04/11/2012 00:37 - United States - Danby

Today, I realized that I'm a terrible human being. For the first time in my life, I gave some change to a homeless guy, but only so he'd get out of my face long enough for me to watch two other bums beating the crap out of each other over a sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 455
You deserved it 34 624

Same thing different taste


I don't see a problem with what you did OP. people pay to see other fight all the time. You just payed $30-$50 less. Your not a horrible person. You just feel, like most people surely do, that the price to watch others fight is to high.

where do you live that there is such a large supply of homeless? you make your city sound like Gotham

He got what he wanted and you got what you wanted.

All you did was pay the "cover charge"

Look up asshole in the dictionary and you'll see a picture of you.

You're right. You ARE a terrible human being.

You're right. You ARE a terrible human being.