By clumbsy_at_best - 16/07/2011 13:11 - United States

Today, I realized how close my boyfriend and best friend are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 572
You deserved it 4 769

clumbsy_at_best tells us more.

clumbsy_at_best 0

they were having sex on chat roulette.....

Top comments

Lauren10102 3
angelsara91 0

happened to me during new years. we broke up and they got married 2 weeks later.


fadfad 0

happen to me too,my hubby is keeping her phone number for soo long tat didnt noe until i found out she is adding him in her fb..FML

murphdarkly 13

omg this needs more story, no explanation so everyone assumes... sage

lovelyxx 0

I know how you feel.. thats how my current relationship is/: FOL (**** our lives)

effyoubitch 5

better make them realize how close your fist is from their face

cocofruity123 0

that's so wired I just finished reading a book where this exact same thing happens.. I feel bad for you OP :( feel better :) x

amochizuki 4

well now you can seriously ask your best friend if she'd do that threesome you've always fantasize about

born_hustla 26