By clumbsy_at_best - 16/07/2011 13:11 - United States

Today, I realized how close my boyfriend and best friend are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 573
You deserved it 4 769

clumbsy_at_best tells us more.

clumbsy_at_best 0

they were having sex on chat roulette.....

Top comments

Lauren10102 3
angelsara91 0

happened to me during new years. we broke up and they got married 2 weeks later.


brettski19 0

I know the feeling that RECENTLY happened to me. Yeah it sucks but it proves what kind of friends you have. :) I hope you feel better!

gofferurself 10

guess you and your best friend can share everything, that's great!!!

cuzimasherpa 0

I'm super close with my best friend's boyfriend and there is absolutely nothing going on. Maybe they're just friends.

dragonstrike94 8

OMG god are they ... Bffs?!:o

That happened to me. They ended up dating. Then a day later crawling like a little pussy back to me.

Surround yourself with people worth your time. Dump 'em both!

pain17 9

op dont let them get too close I recently had the same problem he dumped me. it may end better for you but be careful