By PizzaBoySwag - 04/06/2011 09:36 - United States

Today, I ran into my ex-girlfriend from high school at the exact pizza shop we met at where I worked in high school. She broke it off with me after she caught me cheating with her best friend. These days, she's a lawyer who makes six figures a year. I still work at the same pizza shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 301
You deserved it 125 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BicPlease 3

That's what I call epic karma, my friend.


Look on the bright side - Pizza is delicious!

Zacisaurus 3

Haha what a boner!! I hope she got sick from that pizza and comes back n sues your ass.

Or be a decent person and don't in the first place...

hey bro, I feel for you. we all make stupid mistakes, we all are stupid in high school.

Why are people saying YDI? No-one deserves to work in a pizza hut! No matter what their crime!

ummm yeah I seriously doubt that she a lawyer that make six figures a year. good try though.

karma's a bitch, frankly I think you have no excuse to complain.

MrsRoRoD 0