By PizzaBoySwag - 04/06/2011 09:36 - United States

Today, I ran into my ex-girlfriend from high school at the exact pizza shop we met at where I worked in high school. She broke it off with me after she caught me cheating with her best friend. These days, she's a lawyer who makes six figures a year. I still work at the same pizza shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 301
You deserved it 125 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BicPlease 3

That's what I call epic karma, my friend.


AkaneHikari 0

That's what you get for cheating. Sorry, but you deserved it.

Ha, my ex gf is a lawyer who married the guy she cheated on me with. Those two deserve each other.

abbytequiere 9

Karma is only a bitch if you are. So looks like it finally caught up to you.

Karma isn't a bitch - it just reminds you if how much of a bitch you were to begin with.

elizabethan13 0

Now who's fault is that? Yours. There is no good reason to cheat on someone, karma always gets you!

Don't feel too bad, she would have dumped you by now anyways. How many Lawyers do you know of that date loser pizza boys?

brenderz 0

yea the whole thing about an x writing a song about u has happened to me too but its what musicians do, it's prety normal. Just brush it off and move on :]