By idontevenlikebuttsthatmuch - 18/12/2012 21:44 - United States - Mesa

Today, I noticed my wife put a bumper sticker on our car that says "Cowboy butts drive me nuts." I've driven that car to work every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 398
You deserved it 4 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Suuuure, OP. Your wife put it there. Gotcha ;)

I find your username amusing, OP. You don't like them "that much"?


challan 19

I once put a sticker on a friends car that read ProHomo. He didn't notice for four months.

jujubunni5 9

I hope you put it on the glass or the paint color under the sticker will be off

perdix 29

Now, you're going to get rear-ended repeatedly... you know, from people reading the sticker and laughing too hard. What do you think I meant?

Werken247 14

Thought you meant he was gonna be driving through the Greek neighborhood call for his dog named "penis".

Come on op, when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist And a round thing in your face you get sprung.

Goof Off, red cap - professional strength. It'll come right off. Then take the car to the car wash. "I don't know honey it must have come off at the car wash." While you're at it, that's a great time to mention you don't really want that on the car as it is embarrassing and unfair to you.

OP wants to get witcha, and take yo pictcha.

Hehe, your wife just gave me an idea to try on my husband's truck, lol. Your wife is awesome!

voncrane 23

That awkward moment when a male mechanic asks for some lubricant while hunched over the .....engine.

cgstarz790 3

Bahahahaha I hope she drives it too, broke back mountain

Op, we all know you wanna pull out your tough 'cause you noticed that butt was stuffed.