By idontevenlikebuttsthatmuch - 18/12/2012 21:44 - United States - Mesa

Today, I noticed my wife put a bumper sticker on our car that says "Cowboy butts drive me nuts." I've driven that car to work every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 398
You deserved it 4 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Suuuure, OP. Your wife put it there. Gotcha ;)

I find your username amusing, OP. You don't like them "that much"?


YourPainMyGain 2

Sounds like you meant to post this on fmywife, oops!

PunkCupcake 12

I did that to one of my guy friends once, it said "I <3 Alberta Beefcakes" and it took him 5 months to find out.

Now you know why they have been laughing at you at work. tisk tisk

gee, maybe, just maybe, you deserved it for not actually paying attention to things your wife does.

The_9th_Doctor 18

she's probably laughing at it too

angrymexicanwee 8

and on that date shopping for the second car began in Ernest