By smalltownkid - 01/03/2015 23:22 - United States - Houston

Today, I moved to a big city, alone, from a small town. After convincing myself it wasn't that scary, I hailed my first cab. The driver spent the 30 minute ride from the airport telling me about how "sometimes, you just gotta shoot a guy" because if they steal your shoes, they deserve it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 456
You deserved it 2 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well in Texas they do have fairly liberal gun laws. Nothing wrong with it though, I like Texas; if you're friendly so are they. Just don't be a criminal and you're good. But another note, who would steal someone's used shoes? That'd be pretty gross. I assume they weren't brand new of course.


JocelynKaulitz 28

Op should be fine as long as they don't steal anyone's shoes.

ChristianH39 30

I'm probably wrong, but there is a possibility the cabbie could tell OP was from out of town and nervous and decided to mess with them. If that's the case it's funny as hell. But he's probably just crazy.

Should have offered the guy some help. Get really enthusiastic, even suggest some torture before you finally shoot them. Mention things like the pear of anguish, jumper cables to the nuts, and even cheese grater underpants.

1dvs_bstd 41

you steal a man's life before you steal his shoes.

MehNameIsJuan 15

I agree, I mean if its my Jordans doe

Well in Texas they do have fairly liberal gun laws. Nothing wrong with it though, I like Texas; if you're friendly so are they. Just don't be a criminal and you're good. But another note, who would steal someone's used shoes? That'd be pretty gross. I assume they weren't brand new of course.

AnOriginalName 19

Nope, Stanley Yelnats stole those shoes, even if they did fall from the sky into his hands. It's all the fault of his no good, dirty-rotten pig-stealing great-great-grandfather.

Rule one of living in Texas. Don't be a prick. That's all. Easy.

Meh. I don't believe in possibly taking a life over a piece of property.

ChristianH39 30

My car, maybe. Shoes, probably not.

Go to an inner city school for a little and you'll quickly see that people do in fact steal shoes.

dragoongirl90 34

But.... If people steal your shoes, they DO deserve it.

Just don't steal the mans shoes and you'll be fine

I'd rather hear that than the insane yelling I've heard in subways in New York.

Well clearly the city needs a few more "good soles" You may be the hero they need