By agony - 17/12/2011 03:29 - United States

Today, I'll be sleeping in my car for umpteenth time this year, because my psychotic wife is again convinced that I'm sleeping with practically every woman in my state. I'm too broke to pay for a divorce, and too embarrassed to go to a friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 051
You deserved it 5 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Feedmyaddiction5 14

That sucks! You should just go crazy and accuse her of sleeping with every guy in the state

every1luvsboners 11

So just drive around masturbating furiously until you get arrested. At least then you'll get 3 meals and a man to snuggle with.


flockz 19

she's just making more room in the house for more men.

kismentia 10

I feel for you, OP. Spent many nights in my car, a hotel, etc. to avoid my then-boyfriend's foolish rampages. All I can say is to save where possible, wait for taxes, give plasma, ANYTHING to get your divorce. And counseling is out--spouses have to want to stay in the marriage for MFT to work. Good luck.

PresAgent 23

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Sometimes those most vocal are the most guilty. FYL. I would suggest asking a friend for a place to crash, sleeping in the car gets old real fast.

Well you have been accused of it, so go bloody do it! Sleep with as many women as possible! You get sex, a bed and maybe a divorce ;)

U need to suck it up leave that crazy bitch and go to a friends house dude!

Just stay with one of your neighbors, you won't have to feel awkward about explaining the situation to anyone.

chenry1 4

Since she's accusing you of doing it. Go do it and save money for divorce.

ermm if shes gonna accuse you of doing it then you may as well do it i mean u clearly dont love her

Start saving up cause you either need to; live out on your own, divorce her, or both. Good luck to you OP. Hope you manage to survive, and deal with your psychotic wife :)