By Fatass - 18/04/2014 05:37 - United States - Knoxville

Today, I lied to the cashier at my local store, saying that I was "nominated to buy the candy for the party" when in actuality I went home and gorged on it alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 703
You deserved it 13 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

Why lie OP? If I was that cashier I wouldn't judge you; I'd be jealous you are buying all that candy. Got anything sour??? Share the wealth!

dimerneckel 22

They know that that is what you are doing with all that candy... You aren't fooling anyone


If the cashier actually asked, then I don't blame you for the lie. But if she didn't say anything, there was no need to comment.

t1tzRw1n 8

I did that once at the chocolate shop... I told the cashier it was all for "a friend in the hospital".

You lied because you were afraid of being judged by the cashier. Meanwhile, they probably didn't care or pay attention. It seems like you're the only one judging you! Anyway, it's Easter! I ate so many easter eggs and sweets yesterday, I wasn't hungry for any real food! It's okay to do that once in a while. If it is a daily or very regular thing though, maybe you need to have a look at your lifestyle and try changing it. If you can't by yourself, seek professional help :)

I do that all the time at least I'm not the only one

You shouldn't have to explain your actions to a grocery check out chick.

itcomesinthrees 10

If you feel so bad about it that you feel the need to lie to strangers maybe that is a sign that you should look at making some healthier lifestyle choices..?

I work as a cashier and if they're anything like me or my other coworkers, we really couldn't care less about what you're going to do. no need to lie to us.

"It's not all mine" *nervous laughter* we've all been there, OP :)