By emirie - 14/11/2013 21:33 - Russian Federation - Saint Petersburg

Today, I let my sister hold my newborn daughter for the first time. I heard her mutter under her breath, "I could kill you so easily..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 759
You deserved it 4 131

emirie tells us more.

emirie 21

So just to clear things up, my sister isn't super crazy, although I was naturally alarmed. She's a little weird and creepy, and has no filter. Also, this happened a while ago (I had to say today, obviously), it just popped in my head the other day when the same sister told me she's pregnant. She has babysat, and has a step son as well.


Brian_JWU 5

hide ur kids, hide ur wives, hide ur kids!

I would've instantly taken the baby back into my arms.

To be honest that is a feeling I had when holding my brother for the first time, I never did anything nor did I have the inclination to do anything. It just is strange to have that power

Consider that maybe she was just freaked out over how fragile newborns are. I thought the same thing when holding my newborn niece. I was even afraid to feed and burp her because I though I was going to pat her back too hard and hurt her.

Maybe she was just talking about how delicate newborns are and it just came out the wrong way.

jessicircle 16

This kinda freaked me out because my older sister just had a baby yesterday, and I got a pic of my younger sister holding my nephew with a rather odd facial expression (she's 9). OP, are you my older sister? Anyway, I'm sure it was just a joke, hopefully. Good luck, OP.

Even if she was joking, that wasn't cool. You should say something to her and keep her far away from the baby.

It's terrible, really it is... but it's also quite funny on the other hand.

Some people don't know how to express their mixed emotions or make bad jokes.

i am sure she has a sound proof laundry room in her house