By emirie - 14/11/2013 21:33 - Russian Federation - Saint Petersburg

Today, I let my sister hold my newborn daughter for the first time. I heard her mutter under her breath, "I could kill you so easily..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 759
You deserved it 4 131

emirie tells us more.

emirie 21

So just to clear things up, my sister isn't super crazy, although I was naturally alarmed. She's a little weird and creepy, and has no filter. Also, this happened a while ago (I had to say today, obviously), it just popped in my head the other day when the same sister told me she's pregnant. She has babysat, and has a step son as well.


Ambrily 27

Don't let her hold your daughter another time!

I don't think she meant it much as in actually killing her, and instead her realizing how delicate your daughter is at such a young age.

davek 36

Because in Soviet Russia, baby shakes you? Edit: Ah, bugger. Misread the first line.

Okay you never let her babysit your innocent little child never take her away you don't grab your shoes or nothing you just run!!! Run forest run!!!

I'm pretty sure she isn't going to turn out to be the best aunt.

OMG never ever let her hold your child again!!!!!

Yeah you learn so many things when you have a new baby... Including that your sister is a psycho.

easy to do but hard to get away with. She isn't serious. is she young?