By -1 Pair of Pants - 30/05/2016 19:49 - United States - Westborough

Today, I leaned over to pick something up and heard a loud "pop" from my waistline, followed by a "clink" on the other side of the room. My pants button had popped off my pants. Time to lose some weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 744
You deserved it 2 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a super power OP. You're trouser button man! Remember, with great power comes great responsibility...

The struggle is real: this runs a very, very high risk of happening to me at almost every occasion, and I don't even have a belly (I just have a big booty and thighs).


That's a super power OP. You're trouser button man! Remember, with great power comes great responsibility...

Also, with great power comes great electric bill...

summer body "check" haa we all know the struggle ;)

The struggle is real: this runs a very, very high risk of happening to me at almost every occasion, and I don't even have a belly (I just have a big booty and thighs).

I third it. 34 waist and need to wear 38 pants. Need better clothes designers

#15 yes! Having a small waist and big hips makes it so hard to find jeans or other pants that fit!

deathstroke990 22

there's always the off chance that the button was faulty, depending on how new the pants were

Nice thought but no. I think the fact that the button flew across the room is good evidence that it was under a lot of stress.

Nice thought but no. He can just buy a size bugger pants and that solves the supposed weight and stressed button issues.

This reminds me of the movie "White Chicks". Did your jacket tear, pants rip, heels break simultaneously?

Honestly, it could have just been the way you leaned over. Don't be too hard on yourself OP (unless you know that definitely wasn't the case)!

See it on the positive side, your pants button didn't hit anyone in the eye ;-)