By Anonymous - 30/12/2008 04:34 - France

Today, I found out that the coworker I refused to leave my wife for is now happily married with someone else, while I'm now divorced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 451
You deserved it 31 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Icalasari 0

Guys, HE DIDN'T CHEAT from what I can gather, anyways It looks like as if the coworker tried to seduce him, but he told her to go away, and now he is divorced for some reason

And the World keeps spinning...Perhaps there's more to the story? (karma)


well... in life... shit always comes back and ******* RAPES THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOUR ASS, doesn't it?

Silentknight 0

well at the end of the day, you're the one who can look yourself in the mirror without shame :) love number 12's comment, by the way.

it ate my comment oh well but it says he refused to leave his wife

AmandaBoo2122 5

ew ew ew! I'd be so creeped out if my parents, especially my dad started talking to me about sex lol! that's pretty funny though. fyl for suree!

well at least you know you did the right thing.

Because you can look at this one of two ways. One, the woman made a pass at him and he refused her without any romance or sex between them. Or he slept with her then she insisted he leave his wife, and he refused. Most people are assuming it's the latter.

Life is like animal ****, it's not for every one. Meaning that it's shit for most people